
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tapa englanniksi

  1. A kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the mulberry.

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-book)|pageurl=https://books.google.com.au/books?id=u9qre3FXC-4C&pg=PP11&dq=%22tapa%22%7C%22tapas%22&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih0t-Z_vWEAxUOIUQIHYMODAMQ6AF6BAgLEAIv=onepage&q=%22tapa%22%7C%22tapas%22&f=false|page=unnumbered

  4. Any appetizer or snack served in the evening as part of tapas.

  5. Seasoned slices of dried or cured meat in Filipino cuisine.

  6. to cut

  7. blind

  8. (l) (gloss)

  9. lid, top, cover

  10. cover (q)

  11. heelplate (gloss)

  12. (ca-verb form of)

  13. thinly sliced fried beef

  14. to smoke fish

  15. (et-verb form of)

  16. to lose

  17. ''tapa dyst''

  18. to lose the match
  19. habit (gloss)

  20. (ux)

  21. custom (gloss)

  22. habit, manner (gloss)

  23. manner (gloss)

  24. way, manner (gloss)

  25. (coi)

  26. (infl of)

  27. (inflection of)

  28. (gl-verb form of)

  29. to lose

  30. to do asceticism

  31. a fish, ((taxlink)).

  32. strong

  33. (alternative form of)

  34. way, manner

  35. (RQ:izh:Programma:1937)

  36. custom, tradition

  37. (RQ:Inkeri)

  38. character, disposition

  39. quick, ready, active

  40. (ant)


  41. quickness, speed

  42. readiness

  43. activity, vigour

  44. plug (''hole filler'')

  45. peg

  46. spigot

  47. pin

  48. stopgap

  49. rim, edge, boundary

  50. split

  51. labia

  52. stone

  53. (alt form)

  54. (alt sp)

  55. a slap

  56. argument without a replica

  57. discrete marijuana use

  58. (pt-verb form of)

  59. to borrow money without the intention to return it

  60. lid, cap (gloss)

  61. the bottom of a shoe's heel

  62. cover (gloss)

  63. sluicegate

  64. flank (gloss)

  65. (l), appetizer (gloss)

  66. dough for making empanadas (pastries)

  67. (es-verb form of)

  68. to shiver, quiver, shudder

  69. jerked meat; jerky (gl)

  70. jerked; preserved by jerking

  71. smoked; cured by exposure to smoke (gl)

  72. to patch something

  73. tapa (gloss)

  74. edge; border

  75. to flick

  76. custom

  77. nature, character

  78. to extract, to out

  79. to demolish